How To Use Google As A Proxy ?

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google proxy server
We often use schools and colleges internet connections, but they usually block access to undesired web sites (the "black list"). In order to access those sites you can do is use google translate as  proxy to bypass this restrictions. So lets get into it.

Method 1

1. Visit whatismyipaddress and note down you real Ip Address
2. Now Go to Google Translate
3. From Under Detect Language, Chose your language in my case English
4. Now type  in text area and click on Translate
5. Now check your Ip Address, Its different from the real one.

Method 2

1. Go to link given below:|en&
2. Change to website you like to visit.
3. Done!

If you use this trick, you are not sure to protect your privacy, this kind of connection lets you see blacklisted or banned pages but does not hide your IP address.

Hacking Window 7 Password Using Ophcrack

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In this tutorial i will teach you to hack Window 7 password using free open source software called ophcrack. This hack also works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. So let get started.

What Is Ophcrack ?

Opcrack is an open source windows password cracker based on rainbow tables. It comes with Graphical user interface(GUI) and runs on multiple platform such windows, linux and mac.  It allows you to recover or hack windows password.

How To Crack Windows 7 Password Using Ophcrack ?

Before you start doing this you will need a blank CD or DVD to burn the live image of ophcrack.

  1. Download Opcrack Live Cd by Clicking Here.
  2. Download windows xp or windows 7 live cd depending on platform you are wishing to hack. For example:
  • Windows 7 or Windows Vista: Click on ophcrack Vista/7 LiveCD.
  • Windows XP: Click on ophcrack XP LiveCD.
  2. Now burn the live image on to the cd.
  3. Insert the disc into drive and restart you computer.
  4. If everything goes right you will see screen like below.
window7 password hacking

  5. After you see screen like above wait for ophcrack to boot automatically or you may press Enter to advance.
  6. Now you will see several lines of code printed on screen or they might disappear very quickly (you dont need to worry about that).
  7. Then you will see screen like below it is ophcrack password recovering software. At the Ophcrack screen it shows the Administrator and Guest account. Notice the word “empty”. This means that if the account is enabled you could log in without a password.
Windows 7 Password hacking
  8. Ophcrack WILL NOT CRACK THE PASSWORD because the hash table which it needs is not available for free. But it does show the NTLM hash.
  9. Copy this hash value which is under NT Hash field.
 10. Navigate to which is an online hash cracking tool.
 11. Type in the hash value you copied down in Step 9, Enter the captche and click on Crack Hashes.

How To Download APK Files Directly From Google Play?

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Being unable to install an app on your device from the Play Store is a pain. Fortunately, a developer has created a tool that lets you pull an APK directly from Google's servers 

The web app requires you to enter the package name for the app you want (which you can find in the URL of the app on the Play Store, after "id="), and after that it will generate a download link. The site only works for free apps—this isn't a piracy tool, after all—and remember, if you side load an APK, you're taking the risk that it might not be properly supported. However, if you need to move an app over to a device without an internet connection, or want to try it on a phone that's not officially supported, this can help.

APK Downloader

How To Remove All Your Google Web History?

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Remove entire Google Web History
As most of you already know, Google keeps a tab on pretty much everything you do on a Google site, provided that you signed in on any one of these websites. Everything you do is recorded, and can be used against you in the future. Search data can reveal particularly sensitive information about you, such as facts about your location, interests, age, religious views, and so on. You can, however, choose to not be so vulnerable, and can remove all of your Google web history to protect yourself from an unforeseen eventuality.

In this post, I'll show you how to remove your entire Google web history.

Before we begin, please note that any data you remove will be deleted permanently. Google keeps a lot of useful information that helps you find what you're looking for faster. It gives you quick access to webpages you've visited in the past, and even lets you know in search results which pages you've visited, and when. This information can be useful if you're a power user, and like to get things done quickly.
Google Web History

But if you still want, you can go ahead and erase your entire web history. You can also pick and choose individual items to remove, so that you won't lose everything.

Delete your Google Web History

Follow these steps to partially or completely.

  • Step 1: Visit your Google History page at Alternatively, you can click the gear icon  on the upper right corner of a search results page, and then go to Search history.
  • Step 2: Click on the gear  icon again, and then go to Settings.
  • Step 3: Click on the delete all link. You'll be prompted for a confirmation. Click on Delete all again, and your entire search history is gone!
  • Step 4 (optional): Click on the Turn off button on the Settings page to stop Google from storing your history again

If you don't want to delete your entire history, you can select individual items from the History main page, and delete them. This, by no means, implies that Google has nothing more to do with your data. They still keep some of your information on their servers for auditing and other such purposes. But at least your personal data is off the line now, and isn't susceptible to leaking out into the wrong hands.

Rest easy :)

12 Simple Steps To Become A Hacker

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Hacking is an engaging field but it is surely not easy. To become a hacker one has to have an attitude and curiosity of learning and adapting new skills. You must have a deep knowledge of computer systems, programming languages, operating systems and the journey of learning goes on and on. Some people think that a hacker is always a criminal and do illegal activities but they are wrong. Actually many big companies hire hackers to protect their systems and information and are highly paid. We have prepared a list of 12 most important steps necessary to become a hacker, have a deeper look


linux operating system
UNIX/LINUX is an open source operating system which provides better security to computer systems. It was first developed by AT&T in Bell labs and contributed a lot in the world of security. You should install LINUX freely available open source versions on your desktops as without learning UNIX/LINUX, it is not possible to become a hacker.

  • Start Learning Linux

2. Code in C language 

c programming
C programming is the base of learning UNIX/LINUX as this operating system is coded in C programming which makes it the most powerful language as compared to other programming languages. C language was developed by Dennis Ritchie in late 1970’s. To become a hacker you should master C language.

3. Learn to code in more than one Programming Language

programming languages

It is important for a person in the hacking field to learn more than one programming. There are many programming languages to learn such as Python, JAVA, C++. Free eBooks, tutorials are easily available online.

  • Top 6 Websites To Learn Computer Programming Languages

4. Learn Networking Concepts

computer networking
Another important and essential step to become a hacker is to be good at networking concepts and understanding how the networks are created. You need to know the differences between different types of networks and must have a clear understanding of TCP/IP and UDP to exploit vulnerabilities (loop holes) in system.
Understanding what LAN, WAN, VPN, Firewall is also important.
You must have a clear understanding and use of network tools such as Wireshark, NMAP for packet analyzing, network scanning etc.

5. Learn More Than One Operating Systems 

operating system
It is essential for a hacker to learn more than one operating system. There are many other Operating systems apart from Windows, UNIX/LINUX etc. Every system has a loop hole, hacker needs it to exploit it.

6. Learn Cryptography

cryptography encryption
To become a successful hacker you need to master the art of cryptography. Encryption and Decryption are important skills in hacking. Encryption is widely done in several aspects of information system security in authentication, confidentiality and integrity of data. Information on a network is in encrypted form such as passwords. While hacking a system, these encrypted codes needs to be broken, which is called decryption.

  • Decrypting Window 7 Password Using Ophcrack

7. Learn more and more about hacking

hacking or hackers
Go through various tutorials, eBooks written by experts in the field of hacking. In the field of hacking, learning is never ending because security changes every day with new updates in systems.

  • Hackers Underground Hand Book Completely Free
  • Hacking For Begineers Free Ebook

8. Experiment A Lot

After learning some concepts, sit and practice them. Setup your own lab for experimental purpose. You need a good computer system to start with as some tools may require powerful processor, RAM etc. Keep on Testing and learning until you breach a system.

9. Write Vulnerability (Loop hole program)

hacking vulnerability

Vulnerability is the weakness, loop hole or open door through which you enter the system. Look for vulnerabilities by scanning the system, network etc. Try to write your own and exploit the system.

  • 6 Most Common Password Cracking Methods And Their Countermeasures

10. Contribute To Open Source Security Projects

open source software
An open source computer security project helps you a lot in polishing and testing your hacking skills. It’s not a piece of cake to get it done. Some organizations such as MOZILLA, APACHE offer open source projects. Contribute and be a part of them even if your contribution is small, it will add a big value to your field.

11. Continue never ending Learning 

learning hacking
Learning is the key to success in the world of hacking. Continuous learning and practicing will make you the best hacker. Keep yourself updated about security changes and learn about new ways to exploit systems

12. Join Discussions and meet hackers 

Most important for a hacker is to make a community or join forums, discussions with other hackers worldwide, so that they can exchange and share their knowledge and work as a team. Join Facebook groups related to hacking where you can get more from experts.